Monday, June 28, 2010

"You May Have Missed" Mondays

Ok, it's Monday and time for another post about "books you may have missed". This is where I write about books published before 2009 that you may not know about. I hope this will help you find some older books to read and add to your TBR list.

I recently decided to add some series to my books at home. These series are ones I have read and enjoyed over the years, and I'd like for my children and grandchildren to know about them and have access to them. I think it would be great to pass these along to them as they get older. I'm going to make a list and be on the lookout for them so I can purchase them for my shelves.

One trilogy I have read that I would recommend is by Randy Alcorn. The first one is Deadline, the second is entitled Dominion, and the third is Deception. These are thrillers written by an extremely talented man. Another book he wrote is called Safely Home, a novel about Christian persecution in China. Also wonderful, it made me cry.

Deadline (Ollie Chandler, Book 1)     Dominion (Ollie Chandler, Book 2)     Deception [DECEPTION]              

Safely Home
Another favorite author and series is Stephen Bly's Code of the West series. Funny, funny, funny! Mr. Bly's books are westerns, which I normally shy away from, but these are so good that I do not hesitate to recommend them. He has such a unique way of writing that is quite entertaining! These are out of print, but you could probably find them in a library, or they can be ordered from Amazon.

Brock and Bodie Thoene (pronounced "taynee") have written the Zion Covenant series:

Vienna Prelude (Zion Covenant, Book 1)     Prague Counterpoint (Zion Covenant, Book 2)     Munich Signature (Zion Covenant)     Jerusalem Interlude (Zion Covenant, Book 4)     Danzig Passage (Zion Covenant, Book 5)     Warsaw Requiem (Zion Covenant)    London Refrain (Zion Covenant)     Paris Encore (Zion Covenant Book 8)     Dunkirk Crescendo (Zion Covenant)

and the Zion Chronicles:

The Gates of Zion (Zion Chronicles) (Bk. 1)     A Daughter of Zion (Zion Chronicles)     The Return to Zion (Zion Chronicles)     A Light in Zion (Zion Chronicles)     The Key to Zion (Zion Chronicles)

I like reading books with settings during and after World War II. I am fascinated by what occurred in the lives of people while this war was raging. A lot of the main characters in these books are Jewish, so I learned a lot about the Jews and their culture while reading these books. You can find out more about the Thoenes and their books by clicking on their names above.

Have you read any of these? Have you written a review of a book published before 2009? Please share!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Book Review: Little Bee by Chris Cleave

Oh. my. word. How do I even begin to tell you about this fantastic book? I'll begin with the blurb on the back of the book:

"We don't want to tell you too much about this book. It is a truly special story, and we don't want to spoil it. Nevertheless, you need to know something, so we will just say this:

It is extremely funny, but the African beach scene is horrific. The story starts there, but the book doesn't. And it's what happens afterward tat is most important. Once you have read it, you will want to tell everyone about it. Please don't tell them what happens. The magic is in how it unfolds."

Little Bee: A Novel
I think they hit the nail on the head with this one. I am going to take this advice and tell you that you should read it, but I don't want to tell you much more than that, because I believe it would spoil the book for you. I read a review on Amazon where the reviewer said she thought the blurb was a marketing ploy to make you buy the book. Ploy or not, I tell you, this is a book you will not want to miss. It has challenged me in many ways, and I know if people read this book, lives could be changed. It is quite a read.

I agree that it is funny, and yes, you will see that the scene on the beach, which is the main scene of the book, is very disturbing. I love the title character and her deep honesty about life. Also, her observations of human nature are compelling. Too bad she is not real. I would love to meet her someday.

I see that Mr. Cleave has written another book before this one. I'm curious to see what that one is about and I wonder if it will have as great an impact on me as Little Bee has had.

Get this book. Read this book. Then come back here and tell me what you think. I'd love to hear from you!

(Dear FTC: you don't even have to worry about this one. I got it FREE from the local library!)