I recently decided to add some series to my books at home. These series are ones I have read and enjoyed over the years, and I'd like for my children and grandchildren to know about them and have access to them. I think it would be great to pass these along to them as they get older. I'm going to make a list and be on the lookout for them so I can purchase them for my shelves.
One trilogy I have read that I would recommend is by Randy Alcorn. The first one is Deadline
Brock and Bodie Thoene (pronounced "taynee") have written the Zion Covenant
and the Zion Chronicles
I like reading books with settings during and after World War II. I am fascinated by what occurred in the lives of people while this war was raging. A lot of the main characters in these books are Jewish, so I learned a lot about the Jews and their culture while reading these books. You can find out more about the Thoenes and their books by clicking on their names above.
Have you read any of these? Have you written a review of a book published before 2009? Please share!