I have often shied away from biblical fiction. I have read some that went totally astray from biblical fact, and others that added things that did not ring true to the text of the Bible, such as a statement we heard recently in a movie about Ruth and Boaz: in a part of the movie where Boaz was looking out over his fields, he said, "Man, look at all that wheat!" My kids bursted out laughing at that one!

But I have to say that
was nothing like that. It is a refreshing re-telling of the story of David and

Bathsheba that was pleasant to read. I went to the Bible a few times to verify fact, and every time it was right on. This book helped me to see Bathsheba in a way that helped me to identify with her in her struggle with her sin and the acceptance of the forgiveness of God. Mrs. Smith painted a realistic picture of a woman who, even though she was sinned against, still recognized her own culpability in the situation and looked to God for spiritual healing and restoration.
I have bought the other two books in the Wives of David series and I'm looking forward to reading them. I eagerly await other books by this author!
“Available March 2011 at your favorite bookseller from
Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”
(I received this book from Revell Books for review purposes. I received no monetary compensation for this review. All opinions expressed are completely my own.)
Jill Eileen Smith is the best-selling author of
Michal and
Abigail, books one and two in The Wives of King David series.
When she isn’t writing, she enjoys time with her family, reading great stories, trying new recipes, and snuggling her two adorable cats. Jill’s research into the lives of David’s wives has taken her from the Bible to Israel, and she particularly enjoys learning how women lived in Old Testament times. Her collection of Bible study helps and books on culture and history, along with an abundance of novels fills at least one shelf or bookcase in nearly every room in the house.
She loves movies, travel, dark chocolate, black tea, stories with great characters and plots twists, and nights when she doesn’t have to cook! She and her husband Randy have been married for 33 years and together they have three grown sons. During 12 years of homeschooling, Jill studied the craft of writing with her eye on a future career. She has visited most of the continental United States (with the exception of the East Coast) along with Hawaii, Canada, and Israel. She has taught women’s Bible studies and piano, and enjoys mentoring young writers. She lives with her family in southeast Michigan.