WWW Wednesdays is a meme from Should Be Reading, where we answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? and What do you think you'll read next? If you want to participate, answer the three questions, then put your link on the Should Be Reading Blog in the comment section. Happy reading!
What I am currently reading: Tandem by Tracey Bateman- I didn't realize when I requested this book from Waterbrook/Multnomah that one of the main characters is a vampire. Oh, well, it's not too bad so far. I'll wait to pass judgment until I finish. The plot is actually pretty interesting up to this point. Review to come.
What I recently finished reading: The Princess Bride by William Goldman - If you are a fan of the movie, but have not read the book, I'm sure you will like it. It is just as funny, but a little different. I like how the author tries to make us believe that this was actually a very old book that he was introduced to as a child and decided to write an abridgement. It is quite amusing how he puts several side notes throughout the text, where he discusses the places where he "left out" the other author's words because he was too verbose. Great idea! I'm glad I can now say I have read the book.
I've never read The Princess Bride, nor have I seen the movie! But you certainly have piqued my interest in the book. Enjoy the rest of your week in books!
I've never read The Princess Bride, nor have I seen the movie! But you certainly have piqued my interest in the book. Enjoy the rest of your week in books!
I'm interested in what you think of Lazarus Awakening.
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