I like the way the author weaved the gospel into the story. Here is one of my favorite paragraphs in the book:
"The prospect of heaven always confused Olivia. How could a person know when she was good enough to get there? She'd gone to church all her life but never had a sense of knowing who God was, or that he really knew her soul. Eleanor's death made her think about her own life."
This is what we often pray for unbelievers when someone close to them dies. We want to see them awakened to their own need for salvation through Jesus Christ. So we ask God to use the circumstance of death to make them ponder their eternal future.
Olivia saw, through the example of two close friends, that knowing God is much better than being rich or popular. She also learned not to jump to conclusions and when it comes to love, trust is extremely important.
I give The Lightkeeper's Ball
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