Thursday, January 14, 2010

Book Review - 9 Marks of a Healthy Church - Mark Dever

Yesterday I gave a link to a video of Mark Dever’s study. Today I want to share with you a book that he wrote.

The 9 Marks of a Healthy Church came into my hands just when I needed it. I was having some questions that just wouldn’t go away, and when I read this book, I felt like Mr. Dever was talking directly to me.

This book is an excellent tool for assessing the health of a church. It is helpful for pastors as well as church members. It will help you see where you are thriving, and where you may need some work. If we were to follow all the recommendations in this book, we would be well on our way to a great revival in our land.

Here are the 9 marks:

1. Expositional preaching
2. Biblical theology
3. The Gospel
4. A biblical understanding of conversion
5. A biblical understanding of evangelism
6. A biblical understanding of church membership
7. Biblical church discipline
8. A concern for discipleship and growth
9. Biblical church leadership

If you love your church, you will want to get this book.

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