Thursday, January 14, 2010

Reading Project Clarification

Since several people have asked me questions about my NYT bestseller reading project, I thought I would write this post to clarify a few things and tell you my progress so far.

I will be reading only the #1 books on the non-fiction list, not fiction. I love to read fiction, but I don't think I would want to read any Dan Brown or Michael Crichton right now. Nothing against these authors - they're just not my cup of tea.

I will attempt to write a review on each one. This may be hard, but I'm going to give it a try. It may be a challenge in itself just to read them, much less write a review, but I will do my best.

The first review will be for this week's #1, Have a Little Faith, by Mitch Albom, author of Tuesdays With Morrie. I am almost finished reading, and the review should be posted within the next few days.


Laura said...

Sounds like a worthy goal! I'll look forward to reading your reviews!

Sherry said...

Yeah, that sounds like an ambitious project in and of itself. Go for it, girl.